Good afternoon!
I finally got all of my pictures uploaded from my camera! I am so proud of my crocuses this year as they are really doing great! They have multiplied like crazy this winter and I must say, I will probably have to divide them this year. That is definately not one of my favorite tasks when it comes to gardening, especially the spring bloomers that you aren't supposed to divide until fall. Once the green is gone on them, I have a hard time finding them. Anyway, this has to be a sure sign of spring! These are my Glory of the Snow, and they are just starting to bloom out. I am hoping that they aren't predicting another snowfall for us!
I also have a couple of bird pictures to share. This is a picture of my Downey Woodpecker pair. I was so excited to finally catch them both in the same photo, I think they may be a little camera shy.
I have finally put out my nesting material for the birds, and I saw some sparrows picking at it yesterday. I put out some colorful yarn and feathers, some hemp, cotton, spanish moss, coconut grass, horsehair and stuff that looks like the bristles in a paintbrush. I bought a bag of it on clearance at the feed store and they really seem to like it. I have been trying to keep an eye on it as I know the Wrens love coconut grass. Should have some interesting nests this year!
Have a great day!
Awww Spring!!! don't you just love it? The flowers are soooo pretty!! and great shots of the birds too! thank you for sharing..I didn't think spring would ever come!
Your flowers look so pretty! Mine have buds but since there hasn't been any sun for a week, I don't think they'll ever open. So I'll just come back and look at yours (g)
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