Hi All! Hope this post finds everyone well and happy! I have been really slacking, especially with my internet friends, and I hope you all forgive me at some point....
I'm trying to catch everything up today, which I know I won't get it all done, but I'm trying. So, for starters, I thought I'd catch up on my blogging.
First of all, Ing if you are reading this...it's going to be a couple more days before I send your little Flower Fairy heart out, I removed some work I did on it...it looked funky, and I'm redoing it now. Sorry, I know I promised it to you this week, I just really want to do my best and I want you to love it as much as I love mine!
We had a really nice Memorial Day weekend, we visited with our neighbors a bit on Saturday, and Mom and Dad came down Monday evening and we grilled out. It was pretty nice, though I didn't get to relax any, I think I'll survive!
I'm working on getting my flower beds cleaned out and planted, which is taking a lot longer than usual with my new little baby to take care of. I did manage to get all of my houseplants hauled outside and one flower bed weeded and planted before Memorial Day, so I'm getting somewhere, just really, really slow! I still have to plant my Cannas and Dahlias, and need to get that done THIS WEEK, or it'll be too late....
The kids here at home are doing wonderful, with the exception of Pearl, who has once again decided to lay eggs, and she's overdoing it again too. So far 13. Dang, I want her to stop, I just can't get her to. I've been giving her a calcium supplement to help with the strain that the egg laying is putting on her. I think she may be done now, or at least I hope. We'll see, today is the day she's supposed to lay again. The other birds are doing really well, as are the guinea pigs, bunny, mice and cat. The cat is as spoiled as she can be, and craving attention like crazy! I can't get her to leave me alone when I'm inside. She's so goofy!
The horses are doing great as well. Cherokee is having a bit of tooth trouble, so we floated them yesterday, which he absolutely hated. Poor guy, seems like we're always hassling him over something! His hooves are in really great shape now, and he feels like a champ! He even took a little interest in the new little filly. Not much, but at least he noticed her, HA! Speaking of the new little filly, I finally got her papers, and after looking it over, I have no idea where the name Gambi came from....Her registered name is Poco's Sweet Streaker. So, I've decided to change it, after all, she's a paint horse, and needs an Indian name. I couldn't come up with something I liked from her registered name, so I went back to her grandparents. Her name is now Dakota. Her maternal Grandmother's name was Dakota Summer Dew. She really seems to like it, and it's a pretty name for my pretty horse. Although, I wanted her to be my little girly horse...she's definately a get-down-and-dirty horse. So much for girly.... We're doing really well with our workouts, and she's ready to start working in the field rather than the enclosed cement between the barns. This will be interesting, as she thinks she is going to starve to death constantly. Hubs said he would help me until she learns that she is working and not eating in the field. I'll keep you posted on that one....
Alrighty, I think that's it...I'm off to do some laundry and a little stitchin' before bed!
Hugs to all!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Just a catch up day....
Posted by Christy at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
WE DID IT! Hoo-rah!!
Morning all! Just a quick update before I head off to bed. Me and my ol' car did it! We made it too 400,000 miles today! I'm so excited...you have no idea!!!!!!!! This is the longest a car has ever made in in the family....so, now we're setting a new goal of 425,000. We'll see....
Gawd, there should be a prize for her, she's been an awfully good car! Maybe I'll get her some premium gas in the morning, HA!
Past that, my new baby Gambi is killing me slowly. *LMAO* We've been doing really well with her workouts, and in fact, she even listened to me with someone lighting fireworks about a block from the farm! However, I can't get her back feet off the ground to clean them, and if I do, she throws a fit that you couldn't even begin to imagine! Yesterday she actually tried to rear and broke her cross ties. Thankfully, the barn held.... Anyhoo...I'm gonna try tying her outside the barn to a fencepost, with the thinking that maybe she doesn't understand the cross ties inside the barn. So, we'll see what happens. I have to keep reminding myself that she is very young, and full of sh*t, and I'm teaching her what she needs to know...and trying not to set in bad habits along the way. We've also got a plan going to get her a more endowed fence...or at least a taller one that she can't jump, and we'll be working on that later this week. Cherokee finally noticed her, whinneyed just a tad and showed off a bit for her on Saturday, so I guess he's not too old to care after all. However, since then, he's not giving her even the slightest flick of the tail. Fine by me, she seems to be over it too. Finally! Going on 3 weeks....
I'm also on a warpath with the weeds in my flower beds, so if I go MIA again, you will all know why....they won!
Alrighty...after fighting with this computer today, I'm ready for bed.
Have a wonderful day all!
Posted by Christy at 10:53 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Who Knew?
I'm back! Who knew I could manage 2 posts in one day....ha!
Anyway, for those of you who know, or don't know, this is my car:
Not much of a looker...it's a 1990 Chevrolet Celebrity Wagon. 3.1 V-6. Not too exciting...but hey, it gets me from point A to point B most of the time. Now, I have owned this car for about 6 years now, and driving my paper route and doing my daily running in it has made it look pretty shabby, though it's still not as bad as a lot of cars I've seen on the road. I love this car, it has been a really good car, outside of needing 2 rack and pinions, 3 transmissions, and a set of heads, it's just been usual maintanence. You know, oil changes, brakes, tires, exhaust work, etc. Normal stuff. I am getting ready to turn a milestone that no other car we've owned has reached, and I want to share it with the world! So, are you ready...take a look at the next picture real good....
Posted by Christy at 5:12 PM 1 comments
Hi all, I am so sorry for not updating everyone on my life. Well, the whole 1 person who actually reads my blog anyway! HA! Thanks for reminding me Ing! I tend to get crazy busy and weeks go by, and it only feels like a couple of days. I hate that. I couldn't believe that the last post was March 29, it seems like only last week. Maybe I have some sort of time warp going on....
Anyway, I have been crazy busy, as I stated above, with many things. First off, Mom had to have some dental work done, and it turned out to be more than she could handle. She was down for almost 2 weeks leaving me and Hubs to take care of her. Not that I minded, I always enjoy spending time with Mom. After getting her all squared away, all of our cars were on death row, leaving me yet again without a car, having to share with Hubs. Not a good thing, as I have so many things to do and not having a car really slows me down. But all is well in that department now, and will be posting more on that one a bit later. Which leads me to my latest venture...I bought a horse! YAY! I'm so excited! I kept saying I was going to, and never got around to it, however, this one presented itsself to me in a perfect light. I wasn't going to miss this opportunity, so I jumped in feet first. Our blacksmith had a 21 month old filly he had to get rid of, and thought that we'd get along well, so we went and looked at her and it was love at first sight! Her name is Gambi, she's a 21 month old registered paint quarter horse. Just beautiful! So after commiting to her, I had 6 days to clean out the barn and build her a stall. 20 years of my Dad storing junk and I had 6 days to clean it out. Amazingly enough, we got it done, literally an hour before she arrived! So she's here now and we're ironing out our differences slowly. With her being so young, I am delving into the world of horse training, and she is testing me to the very end. After a couple of sessions on the short rope, I think she's going to be a pretty good girl for me, that is if we can come to terms over the other horses. She thinks that she should be out playing with them instead of working for me, so there is our major difference in opinions. Anyways, I have pics to share of her, and they are all of the same horse, the first ones are in the sun and she looks brown, however, she's black! The last couple are more accurate of her coloration.
This was the first time that we met...
Posted by Christy at 3:35 PM 0 comments