Good Morning all! I must say, living in Indiana brings more and more challenges each day! For the past 3 weeks we have had the most incredible weather! Above average's frickin' freezing! Yesterday's high temperature was 75*F, now it is a whopping 31! UGH!!!!!!!! I'm ready for spring and doubt about it now! I managed to get out of this house for a few minutes to take some pictures of my spring beauties, and they are beauties this year! All of this spring cleaning has put me in a place where I want to be outside playing in the dirt....after all, gardening is therapy for a dirty mind...HA!
So, I thought I'd share some of my pics with you all today! I haven't had time to get out and clean up my flower beds yet, but hopefully, by the time this weather breaks I'll be ready to get it done! I had to get the yard mowed and that is as far as I got....but hey, my house is almost clean! HA!
Grape Hyacinths
Mixed Hyacinths
A close up of my Pink Hyacinths Red Riding Hood Tulips
Tahiti Daffodil
Unfortunately, I missed my crocuses this year....they were soooo pretty too! I will have tons of tulips in bloom soon, so keep checking back for more photos!
Well, I haven't managed to find time to do any stitching this past week, which is pretty sad for me. I draw so much enjoyment from working on my projects that I feel a little blah when I can't work on them. I'm hoping to get my newest project started this week, the Kitty Kitty round robin. Sheesh...I'm the hostess and I don't even have my blocks done yet! How bad is that? I don't think it will take me long to get them together as I have sooo many great ideas! I'm really excited about this RR....can't wait to start embellishing those blocks!
Well, I'm going to sign off for now, I'm tired and today is going to be a loooooong day of cleaning carpets! Woo Hoo!
Have a great Wednesday!
Ok, I can not believe that you have that many flowers already! We have buds on the trees...and that's it! so much brown! can;t wait for something to start blooming! If it's only in my art!
The flowers are soooo beautiful! thank you for sharing!
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